European Finance Association

52nd Annual Meeting

Paris, France 20-23 August 2025

Doctoral Tutorial Submission from February 15 to March 15

The EFA-DT invites PhD students to submit their single-authored research papers on topics within the field of finance from February 15, 2025. Each student is limited to submitting one paper. Dual submission to the Annual Meeting and Doctoral Tutorial is allowed, note the separate deadlines and submission systems.

Submission deadline: March 15, 2025 (midnight Pacific Time)

To apply to the EFA-DT, please upload the following documents:

  • Anonymous single-authored paper
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • An official letter on institutional letterhead, signed by the supervisor or institution. The letter should confirm: that (i) the submitting student is enrolled in a PhD Program, (ii) the student has not yet been on the job market, and (iii) that the submitted paper falls within the field of finance and is singled authored.

Please be aware that abstracts or files not meeting the criteria of a research paper (e.g., dissertations, media articles, etc.) will not be considered.

Submit your paper

Submission for the EFA Annual Meeting is closed

The submission for the EFA 2025 Annual Meeting is now closed. We sincerely thank everyone who submitted their work. We appreciate your contributions and look forward to reviewing the excellent research shared with us.

Stay tuned for further updates!

Laurent Calvet

EFA 2025 Program Chair
SKEMA Business School

Helen Bollaert

Head of the Local Organizing Committee
SKEMA Business School

